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Available Courses

Computer Basics

Basics of computer

  1. About Computer H/W & S/W
  2. Creating of Folder,Files
  3. Different fileformats
  4. About Browsers
  5. About Notepad,MS-Dos,Paint
  6. About Calculator,Word pad

Microsoft Word

  1. Introduction to Ms - Word
  2. File Opening ,Saving, Closing
  3. Print, Page Setups, page Layouts
  4. Page Numbers, Date & Time
  5. Drawing the Pictures ,Shapes
  6. Bullets & Numbering, Hyperlinks
  7. Borders & Shading, Themes
  8. Borders & Shadings, BG colors
  9. Mail Merge, Envelops & Labels
  10. Creating Tables
  11. Creating of ressumes

Microsoft Excel

  1. Introduction to Excel Sheets
  2. Functional Formula
  3. Create Macros, Validation
  4. Create Payrolls, Tables
  5. Create Accounts Using Formula
  6. Graphs , Charts

Advance Excel

  1. Look up, H Look Up
  2. Sum If, Count If functions
  3. Index & Match Functions
  4. Pivot Tables Charts
  5. Filters. Adv Filters
  6. Paste Links
  7. Paste Special
  8. Import Tables Excel To Word
  9. Custom List, Data Functions
  10. Logical Functions Name Define
  11. Data Functions
  12. text Functions
  13. Conditional Formatting
  14. Sub Total Functions
  15. Goal seek, pmt Functions
  16. Protect Book & Sheet
  17. Scenarios, number series
  18. Sheet Breaks
  19. formula Auditing
  20. Hide And Unhide Sheets, Object
  21. Columns And Rows, Print Titles
  22. Smart Art, watch windows

Microsoft Power Point

  1. Introduction to Ms-power point
  2. Create Designing Slides
  3. Create Custom Animations
  4. Sound effects & BG Design
  5. Create Timing Presentation
  6. Slide Shows Presentation
  7. Creating of business power point with brief explanation

Microsoft Access

  1. Introduction to MS Access
  2. Table in Design view
  3. Table by Using Wizard
  4. Data base, Tables Creations
  5. Forms, reports, queries


  1. Creating e-mails
  2. sending e-mail
  3. Online job searching, interviews
  4. Online tickets booking, shopping
  5. Downloading files, websites


Introduction To SQL Server

  1. Advantages and Drawbacks Of SQL Server Compared To Oracle And DB2
  2. Connecting To Server
  3. Server Type
  4. Server Name
  5. Authentication Modes
  6. Windows Authentication Mode
  7. Login and Password
  8. Sql Server Management Studio and Tools In Management Studio
  9. Object Explorer
  10. Object Explorer Details
  11. Query Editor

TSQL (Transact-Structured Query Language)

  1. Introduction To TSQL
  2. History and Features of TSQL
  3. Types Of TSQL Commands

Language Commandes

  1. Data Definition Language (DDL)
  2. Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  3. Data Query Language (DQL)
  4. Data Control Language (DCL)
  5. Transaction Control Language (TCL)


  1. Creating Database
  2. Altering Database
  3. Deleting Database


  1. Procedural Integrity Constraints
  2. Declarative Integrity Constraints
  3. Not Null, Unique, Default and Check constraints
  4. Primary Key and Referential Integrity or foreign key constraints


  1. Creating Table
  2. Altering Table
  3. Deleting Table

Data Manipulation Language

  1. Insert
  2. Identity
  3. Creating A Table From Another Table
  4. Inserting Rows From One Table To Another
  5. Update
  6. Computed Columns
  7. Delete
  8. Truncate
  9. Differences Between Delete and Truncate

Data Query Language (DQL)

  1. Select
  2. Where clause
  3. Order By Clause
  4. Distinct Keyword
  5. Isnull() function
  6. Column aliases
  7. Predicates
  8. Between … And
  9. In
  10. Like
  11. Is Null

Built In Functions

  1. Scalar Functions
  2. Numeric Functions
  3. Character Functions
  4. Conversion Functions
  5. Date Functions
  6. Aggregate Functions
  7. Convenient Aggregate Functions
  8. Statistical Aggregate Functions
  9. Group By and Having Clauses
  10. Super Aggregates
  11. Over(partition by …) Clause
  12. Ranking Functions


  1. Inner Join
  2. Equi Join
  3. Natural Join
  4. Non-Equi Join
  5. Self Join
  6. Outer Join
  7. Left Outer Join
  8. Right Outer Join
  9. Full Outer Join
  10. Cross Join

Sub Querie

  1. Single Row Sub Queries
  2. Multi Row Sub Queries
  3. Any or Some
  4. ALL
  5. Nested Sub Queries
  6. Co-Related Sub Queries
  7. Exists and Not Exists


  1. Clustered Index
  2. NonClustered Index
  3. Create , Alter and Drop Indexes
  4. Using Indexes


  1. Login Creation
  2. SQL Server Authenticated Login
  3. Windows Authenticated Login
  4. User Creation
  5. Granting Permissions
  6. Revoking Permissions
  7. Roles


  1. Purpose Of Views
  2. Creating , Altering and Dropping Indexes
  3. Simple and Complex Views
  4. Encryption and Schema Binding Options in creating views

Transaction Management

  1. Introduction
  2. Begin Transaction
  3. Commit Transaction
  4. Rollback Transaction
  5. Save Transaction
  6. Role Of Log File In Transaction Management
  7. Implicit Transactions

TSQL Programming

  1. Drawbacks Of TSQL that leads to TSQL Programming
  2. Introduction To TSQL Programming
  3. Control statements In TSQL Programming

Conditional Control Statements

  1. If
  2. Case
  3. Looping Control Statements


  1. Working With Cursors
  2. Types Of Cursors
  3. Forward_Only and Scroll Cursors
  4. Static, Dynamic and Keyset Cursors
  5. Local and Global Cursors

Stored Sub Programs

  1. Advantages Of Stored Sub Programs compared to Independent SQL Statements
  2. Stored Procedures
  3. Creating , Altering and Dropping
  4. Optional Parameters
  5. Input and Output Parameters
  6. Permissions on Stored Procedures

User Defined Functions

  1. Creating, Altering and Dropping
  2. Types Of User Defined Functions
  3. Scalar Functions
  4. Table Valued Functions
  5. Inline Table Valued Functions
  6. Multi Statement Table Valued Functions
  7. Permissions On User Defined Functions


  1. Purpose of Triggers
  2. Differences Between Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions and Triggers
  3. Creating, Altering and Dropping Triggers
  4. Magic Tables
  5. Instead Of Triggers

Exception Handling

  1. Implementing Exception Handling
  2. Adding and removing User Defined Error Messages To And From SQL Server Error Messages List
  3. Raising Exceptions Manual

HTML5 and CSS3 Course

Introduction to WEB

  1. W3C and W3C Members
  2. Why WHATWG?
  3. What is Web? 

HTML Basics

  1. Introduction
  2. Parts in HTML Document
  3. Editors
  4. Basic
  5. Elements
  6. Attributes
  7. Headings
  8. Basics
  9. Paragraphs
  10. Formatting
  11. Links
  12. Head
  13. CSS
  14. Images
  15. Tables
  16. JavaScript
  18. HTML4 Drawbacks 

HTML5 Introduction

  2. New Features and groups
  3. Backward Compatibility
  4. Why HTML5?
  5. Power of HTML5:
  6. m or mobi or touch domains
  7. Common Terms in HTML5 

Obsolete Elements/Deprecated Elements

  1. <acronym>
  2. <applet>
  3. <basefont>
  4. <big>
  5. <center>
  6. <dir>
  7. <font>
  8. <frame>
  9. <frameset>
  10. <isindex>
  11. <noframes>
  12. <s>
  13. <strike>
  14. <tt>
  15. <u>
  16. <xmp> 

HTML5 New Elements

  1. New Semantic/Structural Elements
  2. <article>
  3. <aside>
  4. <bdi>
  5. <command>
  6. <details>
  7. <dialog>
  8. <summary>
  9. <figure>
  10. <figcaption>
  11. <footer>
  12. <header>
  13. <mark>
  14. <meter>
  15. <nav>
  16. <progress>
  17. <ruby>
  18. <rt>
  19. <rp>
  20. <section>
  21. <time>
  22. <wbr>   

HTML5 Canvas

  1. What is Canvas?
  2. Create a Canvas
  3. Canvas Coordinates
  4. Canvas – Paths
  5. Canvas – Text
  6. Canvas – Gradients
  7. Canvas – Images 


  • What is SVG?
  • SVG Advantages
  • Differences Between SVG and Canvas
  • Comparison of Canvas and SVG 
  • HTML5 Drag/Drop

    1. Introduction
    2. Make an Element Draggable
    3. What to Drag?Where to Drop? 

    HTML5 Geo location

    1. Introduction
    2. Locate the User’s Position+
    3. Handling Errors and Rejections
    4. The getCurrentPosition()
    5. Geolocation object 

    HTML5 Video

    1. Introduction
    2. Video on the Web
    3. How It Works?
    4. Video Formats and Browser Support
    5. HTML5 Video Tags 

    HTML5 Audio

    1. Introduction
    2. Audio on the Web
    3. How It Works?
    4. Audio Formats and Browser Support
    5. HTML5 Audio Tags 

    HTML5 Input Types

    1. Introduction
    2. color
    3. date
    4. datetime
    5. datetime-local
    6. email
    7. month
    8. number
    9. range
    10. search
    11. tel
    12. time
    13. url
    14. week 

    HTML5 Form Elements

    1. <datalist>
    2. <keygen>
    3. <output>  

    HTML5 Form Attributes

    1. New attributes for <form> and <input>New attributes for <form>:
    2. autocomplete
    3. novalidate 

    New attributes for <input>

    1. autocomplete
    2. autofocus
    3. form, formaction
    4. formenctype,formmethod
    5. formnovalidate
    6. formtarget
    7. height and width
    8. list, min and max
    9. multiple
    10. pattern (regexp)
    11. placeholder
    12. required, step 

    HTML5 Semantic

    1. Introduction
    2. What are Semantic Elements?
    3. non-semantic elements: <div> and <span>
    4. semantic elements: <form>, <table>, and <img>
    5. New Semantic Elements in HTML5
    6. <header>
    7. <nav>
    8. <section>
    9. <article>
    10. <aside>
    11. <figcaption>
    12. <figure>
    13. <footer> 

    HTML5 Web Storage

    1. What is HTML5 Web Storage?
    2. Browser Support
    3. The localStorage Object
    4. The sessionStorage Object 

    HTML5 App Cache

    1. What is Application Cache?
    2. Cache Manifest Basics
    3. HTML5 Cache Manifest 

    HTML5 Web Workers

    1. What is a Web Worker?
    2. Check Web Worker Support
    3. Create a Web Worker File
    4. Terminate a Web Worker 


    1. One Way Messaging
    2. Browser Support
    3. The EventSource Object 

    HTML Media

    1. New Media Elements
    2. <audio>
    3. <video>
    4. <source>
    5. <embed>
    6. <track>  

    HTML Multimedia

    1. What is Multimedia?
    2. Browser Support
    3. Multimedia Formats
    4. Video Formats
    5. Sound Formats 

    HTML5 – MathML

    1. Introduction
    2. Using MathML Characters
    3. Matrix Presentation
    4. Math Formulas 

    CSS 1.0 and 2.0

    1. CSS Basics
    2. CSS Introduction
    3. CSS Syntax,CSS Id, Class and CSS Styling,Styling Backgrounds
    4. Styling Text,Styling Fonts, Links, Styling Lists and Styling Tables
    5. CSS Border 


    1. Introduction
    2. CSS3 Modules
    3. Selectors
    4. Box Model
    5. Backgrounds and Borders
    6. Text Effects
    7. 2D/3D Transformations
    8. Animations
    9. Multiple Column Layout
    10. User Interface 


    1. border-radius
    2. box-shadow
    3. border-image 


    1. background-size
    2. background-origin 

    CSS3 Text Effects

    1. text-shadow
    2. word-wrap 

    CSS3 2D Transforms

    1. How Does it Work?
    2. Browser Support
    3. 2D Transforms
    4. translate()
    5. rotate()
    6. scale()
    7. skew()
    8. matrix() 

    CSS3 3D Transforms

    1. rotateX()
    2. rotateY() 

    CSS3 Animations

    1. CSS3 @keyframes Rule
    2. Browser Support
    3. Animation, animation-duration 

    CSS3 Transitions

    1. How does it work?
    2. transition-property, duration and delay 

    CSS3 Multiple Columns

    1. column-count
    2. column-gap
    3. column-rule 

    CSS3 User Interface

    1. resize
    2. box-sizing
    3. outline-offset

    C Language

    Introduction to ‘C’ language

    1. Features of C
    2. History
    3. Structure of C Program
    4. Keyword, Identifiers & Constants

    Data Types

    1. Primitive Data Types
    2. Aggregated Data Types


    1. Binary Operators
    2. Unary Operators
    3. Ternary Operators
    4. Special Operators
    5. Order of Evaluation


    1. Simple if
    2. if..else
    3. Nested if
    4. if..else ladder
    5. Goto Statement
    6. Break and Continue Statement
    7. Switch..Case statement


    1. While
    2. For
    3. Do..While
    4. Nested loop Statements


    1. Introduction to arrays
    2. Need for Arrays
    3. Types of arrays

    String Manipulation

    1. DeclaringString
    2. String Functions
    3. Multiple Strings


    1. Interdiction to Functions
    2. Function Prototype
    3. Calling Function
    4. Function with Arrays
    5. Function with Strings
    6. Recursive Functions

    Storage class Specifiers

    1. Automatic
    2. Register

    Structures, unions, enum

    1. Introduction to structures
    2. Structures with Arrays
    3. Structures with Function
    4. Nested Structures
    5. Declaring Union
    6. Difference between Structures and Unions
    7. Enumerations


    1. Introduction to Memory,Pointers
    2. Operations on Pointers
    3. Pointer to Pointer,Arrys
    4. Void pointers
    5. Call by Value and Call by Reference
    6. Pointer to Functions
    7. Pointers with Structures

    Dynamic Memory Allocation

    1. Allocation (Malloc, Calloc & Realloc)
    2. De – Allocation (Free)


    1. File Input, Output Operations
    2. Sequential,Random Access Files
    3. Handling ErrorsDatabase vs File Sy
    4. Command Line Arguments,stem


    1. Introduction to Graphics
    2. Initializing Graphics
    3. Graphic Drivers & Modes
    4. Graphic Functions

    C++ Language

    Basic In C++

    1. Programming Methods
    2. Object-Oriented Programming
    3. Introduction to C++
    4. Variables, Datatypes, Operators
    5. Reference Operator
    6. Scope,Resolution Operators
    7. New Structure of a C++ Program 

    Control Structures

    1. Conditional – if, if…else, Nested if…else, Switch…Case
    2. Loops – While, do…While, For, Nested Loops
    3. Jump – Goto, Continue & Break 


    1. Introduction a Function
    2. Deafening  a Function
    3. Prototypes
    4. Actual and Formal Arguments
    5. Parameter Passing Techniques
    6. Call by Value, Reference, Pointer
    7. Default Arguments
    8. Function Overloading
    9. Inline Functions 


    1. Encapsulation
    2. Abstraction
    3. Polymorphism
    4. Static Binding
    5. Dynamic Binding
    6. Inheritance
    7. Message Passing
    8. Class
    9. Object 

    Classes and Objects

    1. Class Declaration
    2. Access Member and Member Functions
    3. Creating Objects
    4. Differences between Class and Structure
    5. Objects as arguments
    6. Returning Objects
    7. Static Members
    8. Friend Functions and Classes

    Constructors and Destructors

    1. Introduction
    2. Defining Constructor
    3. Comparing Constructor Member Function
    4. Default Constructor
    5. Argument Constructor
    6. Copy Constructor
    7. Constructor Overloading
    8. Default Argument in Constructor
    9. Destructor
    10. Defining Destructor 

    Operator Overloading

    1. Need of Overloading
    2. Defining Operator Overloaded Function
    3. Operator Overloading Rules
    4. Overloading Unary Operators and Unary Operators using Friend
    5. Overloading Binary Operators and Binary Operators using Friend
    6. Overloading Other Operators 


    1. Introduction
    2. Types of Inheritance
    3. Single Level Inheritance
    4. Multilevel Inheritance
    5. Multiple Inheritance
    6. Hybrid Inheritance
    7. Hierarchical Inheritance
    8. Base Class
    9. Derived Class
    10. Inheritance Scope
    11. Protected Members
    12. Virtual Base Class and Destructors 

    Advanced Class Concepts

    1. Container Class & Contained Class
    2. Local Classes
    3. Inheritance v/s Containership

    Polymorphism and Virtual Functions

    1. Type Polymorphism
    2. Dynamic Binding
    3. Function Overriding
    4. Difference between Function Overloading and Overriding
    5. Need of  Virtual Functions
    6. Pure Virtual Functions


    1. Need of Template
    2. Defining Template
    3. Function Templates
    4. Class Templates

    Exception Handling

    1. What is Exception?
    2. Need of Handling Exceptions
    3. Types Of Exceptions
    4. Exception Handling Mechanism


    1. Hierarchy of I/O Streams
    2. Istream Class Functions
    3. Ostream Class Functions
    4. IOS Class Functions
    5. Manipulators


    1. Hierarchy of File Streams
    2. Opening  a File
    3. File Opening Modes
    4. Sequential Access Files
    5. Random Access Files
    6. Command Line Arguments


    1. Introduction to Graphic
    2. Initializing Graphic
    3. Graphic Drivers,  Modes and Graphic Functions



    1. Understanding ASP.NET MVC
    2. ASP.NET vs. MVC vs. ASP.NET Web Form vs. ASP.NET MVC
    3. Advantages of ASP.NET MVC

    Visual Studio Project Templates

    1. Understanding Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC Templates
    2. Creating an ASP.NET MVC project
    3. Understanding ASP.NET MVC project folder structure
    4. Understanding configuration files

    Controller & Actions

    1. Understanding Controller
    2. Creating Controller
    3. Understanding Actions
    4. Actions and Non Actions Methods
    5. Understanding Action Results


    1. Types of Views
    2. Creating Standard View
    3. Creating Layout Page
    4. Communication between Controller and View

    MVC Pattern and 3-Tier

    1. Understanding Model, View and Controller
    2. Design Pattern vs. Architectural Pattern
    3. Layer vs. Tier
    4. MVC pattern vs. 3-Tier Architecture

    Razor View Engine

    1. Understanding Razor View Engine
    2. Razor View Engine vs. Web Form Engine
    3. Razor Syntax
    4. Razor Statements, Loops etc.

    Routes & URLs

    1. Introduction to Routing
    2. Routing vs. Url Rewriting
    3. Defining Routes
    4. Attribute Routing
    5. Need of attributes routing


    1. Understanding Html Helpers
    2. Types of Html Helpers
    3. Built-In Html Helpers
    4. Standard Helpers
    5. Strongly Typed Helpers
    6. Templated Helpers
    7. Inline Helpers
    8. Custom Helpers
    9. Url helpers

    Server-side Data Receiving Ways

    1. Action Parameters
    2. View Models/Objects
    3. FormCollection

    Partial Views

    1. Static Partial View
    2. Dynamic Partial View

    Data Passing Techniques

    1. ViewData
    2. ViewBag
    3. TempData
    4. Session
    5. Query String
    6. Hidden Fields
    7. Cookies

    ViewModel & Validation

    1. Creating ViewModel
    2. Understanding ASP.NET MVC Validation
    3. Need of Server Side and Client Side Validation
    4. Validation with Data Annotation

    Custom Validation

    1. Custom client side Validation
    2. Custom Server side validation

    Data Passing Techniques

    1. ViewData
    2. ViewBag
    3. TempData
    4. Session
    5. Query String
    6. Cookies

    WebGrid: Listing, Paging and Sorting

    1. Creating Custom Paging Method
    2. Using WebGrid for Listing, Paging and Sorting
    3. Ajax WebGrid


    1. Introduction to SOA
    2. Introduction to REST
    3. REST Principles
    4. Understanding ASP.NET Web API
    5. Choosing between WCF and WebAPI

    ASP.NET Web API Controller & Actions

    1. Understanding Controller & Actions
    2. Creating Controller
    3. Creating Actions

    Database Operations and Postman

    1. CRUD Operations using Web API
    2. Using Postman for testing Web API
    3. Consuming Web API using ASP.NET MVC

    Forms Authentication

    1. Understanding Forms Authentication
    2. Customizing principal
    3. Implementing custom Forms Authentication

    ASP.NET MVC Pipeline and Filters

    1. ASP.NET MVC Pipeline
    2. ASP.NET MVC Filters
    3. Extending ASP.NET MVC Filters
    4. Configuring ASP.NET MVC Filters

    C# Language

    .Net Framework [Advanced]

    1. Advantages/Disadvantages
    2. Features of .Net
    3. Assemblies in Detail
    4. GAC,  Strong  Names
    5. Language  Interop
    6. Reflection

    Visual C#.Net Language

    1. Advantages/Disadvantages
    2. Why C#/ Why Not C#
    3. Where does C# Fit in
    4. C, C++ to Visual C#
    5. Features  of  C#
    6. .NET  Namespaces

    .Net Installations/C#.Net

    1. Visual  Studio.NET  2003/2005/Orcas/2008
    2. Windows Vista – New Look
    3. Gadgets/SideBars/UAC  –  relation  with  .NET
    4. Hardware/Software  Requirements
    5. FAQ’s with detailed answers

    Programming Using Visual C#.Net

    1. The start of the application
    2. C#.Net  Program  Design
    3. Variables  and  types
    4. Value types and reference types (CTS)
    5. Strings and arrays
    6. The Console class
    7. String  formatting
    8. Statements  and  flows
    9. Programming  Structures
    10. Command-line  arguments
    11. VS.NET to Create C#.NET Apps
    12. C# 3.0/3.5 features – Implicit types , Extention Methods and more

    Object Oriented Concepts (Basic)

    1. Classes & objects
    2. Abstract & override methods
    3. Creating and using your own classes l Data members and member methods l Instantiate an object
    4. This  keyword
    5. Properties –  Read Only Write Only…
    6. Build process using windows class library l Generate classes for other clients
    7. How to use classes as part of project

    Object Oriented  Concepts  (Advanced)

    1. Accessibility levels, specifiers
    2. Constructors
    3. Method  overloading
    4. Class (static) variables & methods
    5. Object  destruction
    6. ‘ref’ and ‘out’ parameters
    7. Constant  values
    8. Enumerations
    9. Inheritance  and  Polymorphism
    10. The root of all classes
    11. Creating  derived  classes
    12. Method  overriding  and  hiding
    13. Polymorphism  and  virtual  functions
    14. Casting  objects
    15. Abstract classes
    16. Sealed  classes
    17. Static classes

    Object Oriented Concepts (Implementation Oriented)

    1. Case  Studies
    2. Class Diagram in VS.Net
    3. Refactoring  &  others
    4. FAQ’s

    Error Handling

    1. Unstructured  error  handling  support
    2. Structured  error  handling
    3. Error  categories
    4. Debugging  the  application
    5. Debug and Trace  classes
    6. Code  Optimization
    7. Testing  and  strategies


    ASP.NET Training Course Objective

    1. Introduction to web technologies
    2. Web Forms Architecture
    3. ASP.Net and HTTP
    4. Web application developing using Visual Studio
    5. State Management and Web Applications
    6. ASP.Net Server-side controls
    7. Caching in ASP.Net
    8. ASP.Net application configuration
    9. Debugging, Diagnostics of application
    10. Connectivity with Database using ADO.Net/Entity Framework
    11. Data Access Controls
    12. Personalization and Security
    13. Introduction to Web Services
    14. Introduction to WCF


    1. Intro to .NET
    2. Drawbacks  of  Current  Trend
    3. .NET  Framework
    4. Key Design Goals
    5. CLR, CTS, MSIL, & Other Tools
    6. Multiple  Language  Interaction  &  Support
    7. Moving from Project to Assemblies…
    8. Security Services   and   environment
    9. Vista & IIS 6.0/7.0 & their requirements
    10. Installing  &  Configuring  VS.NET/.NET  2.0/3.0/3.5
    11. AJAX(ATLAS)  importance  in  Web  applications
    12. The need for AJAX & the Solution


    1. Shifting from ASP to ASP.Net, to web 2.0 (new)
    2. ASP.Net as Framework, Namespaces
    3. ASP.Net – New Scenario in development process with IDE – VS.NET
    4. Web Pages to Web Forms, HTML – ASP.NET, State management- an Important Objective
    5. Understanding the ASP.NET Execution Scenario
    6. C#.Net role in ASP.NET Development
    7. ASP.NET/C#.Net – the Industry approach
    8. HTML, HTML Controls, ASP.NET Controls
    9. Client-side & Server-side Controls
    10. Consuming HTML Client/Server Controls in WebForms
    11. Consuming ASP.Net Controls in WebForms
    12. Understanding the Rendering Nature of Controls Developing a Simple Startup Application


    1. Introducing Web Forms, Worker process
    2. Working with Server Controls
    3. Applying Styles to Controls, Themes, Skins etc


    1. Page Directives  and its use
    2. Separating  Code  &  Design
    3. New  Code  behind  Techniques
    4. Implementing  ASP.NET  Server  Controls
    5. Types of ASP.NET & their need/render
    6. Intrinsic – Validation – Bound – DataSource
    7. Navigation – Login – Web Parts & AJAX.-as building blocks


    1. Validating Form with Validation Controls of
    2. Using RequiredFieldvalidator control
    3. Using CompareValidator Control Using RangeValidator Control
    4. Using  CustomValidator  control
    5. Create Server-side / Client-side functions for – CustomValidator Control
    6. Group Validations & avoiding Validations.
    7. Finally – Client Targets & ValidationSummary control

    ADO.NET I – DATABASE SERVICES  (V1.1/2.0/3.5)

    1. XML, XML to HTML, XML & Databases
    2. XML Schema Definition Tool
    3. Overview of ADO.NET/ XML Support in .NET
    4. Connect/Insert/Update/Delete,Query data -using ADO.NET
    5. Retrieve data with datasets
    6. Data Adapters, Understanding Data tables
    7. Build Data table programmatically
    8. Filter and sort Data table, Data Relations
    9. ADO.NET  LINQ

    ADO.NET – II

    1. Parameters  with  Command  Object
    2. Stored  Procedures  with  ADO.NET  using  –output  parameters
    3. Develop  a  Registration  form  using  ADO


    1. ASP.Net  bound  controls
    2. DataSource  Controls
    3. Repeater & its uses.
    4. DataBound  and  DataAware  Controls
    5. Bind  data  to  Dropdownlist  Control
    6. Datalist  control
    7. DataGrid(1.1/2.0)  Control
    8. GridView  &  its  importance  in  Development
    9. GridView(Basic)  –  simple  uses
    10. GridView  (Advanced)  –Runtime  Fields,  Empty  DataRows,  NTier  …
    11. FormView  &  DetailsView
    12. ListView


    1. Introduction to Microsoft  AJAX.(Code  name  ATLAS)
    2. XML Http object
    3. Programming  with  XML  HTTP  Object
    4. Advantages and Disadvantages of AJAX.
    5. Features of AJAX.
    6. MS Implementation of AJAX


    1. Error Handling & .NET Runtime
    2. Avoid Errors before they occur
    3. Structured Error Handling
    4. Catching  General  Exceptions
    5. Catching Specific Exceptions
    6. Throwing  Exceptions
    7. Custom  Exceptions
    8. Page  Level  Error  Handling
    9. Application  Level  Error  Handling


    1. Creating  User  Controls
    2. Adding member to user controls.
    3. Registering User Controls
    4. Properties  &  Methods
    5. Dynamically  loading  user  controls
    6. Master Pages


    1. Web Application configuration-Advantages.
    2. New Configuration Model, ASP.NET Confn Tool
    3. Web Application Machine Configuration
    4. Global Assembly Cache, Strong Names VS2005.
    5. Working with Assembly Info
    6. Web.Config,  Machine.Config
    7. Process Model –System Configuration.


    1. About Session & Application object
    2. Comparison between Session & Application
    3. Using the Global.asax file
    4. Managing  Application  State
    5. Http  Handlers
    6. Application & Session Variables
    7. Application & Session Events


    1. Caching  Overview
    2. Advantages  of  Caching
    3. Comparing with Application & Session var’s
    4. Page Output Caching
    5. Page  Data  Caching
    6. Fragment Caching


    1. Security  Overview
    2. Authentication  &  Authorization
    3. Windows-based  Authentication
    4. Passport  Authentication.(WebServices)
    5. Forms-based  Authentication
    6. Memberships
    7. Authorizing  Users  and  Roles
    8. User  Account  Impersonation


    1. Introducing   XML Web Services
    2. Differences Between DCOM / Remoting / Web Services
    3. Webservices.
    4. Writing a Simple Web Service
    5. Xml web services stack, SOAP,WSDL,UDDI,Sync an
    6. Async calls
    7. Web Service Type Marshalling
    8. Using Data in Web Services
    9. Using Objects and Intrinsic
    10. HTML  Pattern  Matching
    11. WCF


    1. New concept in Web Apps.
    2. Advantages and Disadvantages.
    3. Predefined/ user defined controls with webparts.